Extract a Node value from XML stored under BLOB in Oracle Tables has row 266 million rows
Hello Tom, I have a table which is having around 266573283 rows. In that table i have BLOB column which stores a xml data. In that column i need to parse the xml and then get the value of on node. This node may or may not exists in all the rows. I have tried using python (cx_oracle package). The table has been partitioned on the date(Month and Year) the rows has been stored. I'm not able to process the xml. Is there a way or an approach to process the xml data Note: This table will not grow anymore due to application shutdown. 2018 3543136 2019 3369956 2020 7576397 2021 82413536 2022 123216864 2023 46453394 Thanks & Regards, Mani R
Extract a Node value from XML stored under BLOB in Oracle Tables has row 266 million rows